September 25-27, 2023.

“Paradigm Shift in Citizen Science: Videogame Player Helping Researcher”.

Panel discussion at 2023 D.I.C.E. Reykjavik “2023 Speakers & Roundtable Leaders”, Reykjavik (Iceland).


June 29, 2023.

“Paradigm Shift in Citizen Science: Videogame Player Helping Researcher”.

Keynote talk at GSGS 2023 “8th International Conference on Gamification and Serious Games”, Neuchâtel (Switzerland).


April 25, 2023.
“Playing the System: Can Puzzle Players Teach us How to Solve Hard Problems?”.
Contributed talk at CHI 2023 “ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems”, Hamburg (Germany).


March 17, 2023.
“Leveling Up Citizen Science for Bioinformatics Data Analysis”.
Invited talk at the University of Ottawa Bioinformatics seminar series. Ottawa (Canada).


May 16, 2023.
“Leveling Up Citizen Science”.
Keynote at the 15th Great Lakes Bioinformatics (GLBIO) conference. Montréal (Canada).


May 25 2023.
“Leveling Up Citizen Science for AMR research”.
Invited talk at the 2023 McGill AMR Annual Symposium. Montréal (Canada).


April 25, 2023.
“Playing the System: Can Puzzle Players Teach us How to Solve Hard Problems? ”.
Invited talk at the CHI 2023 “ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems”.
From 2011-2023



September 25-27, 2023.

“Paradigm Shift in Citizen Science: Videogame Player Helping Researcher”.

Panel discussion at 2023 D.I.C.E. Reykjavik “2023 Speakers & Roundtable Leaders”, Reykjavik (Iceland).


June 29, 2023.

“Paradigm Shift in Citizen Science: Videogame Player Helping Researcher”.

Keynote talk at GSGS 2023 “8th International Conference on Gamification and Serious Games”, Neuchâtel (Switzerland).


April 25, 2023.
“Playing the System: Can Puzzle Players Teach us How to Solve Hard Problems?”.
Contributed talk at CHI 2023 “ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems”, Hamburg (Germany).


March 17, 2023.
“Leveling Up Citizen Science for Bioinformatics Data Analysis”.
Invited talk at the University of Ottawa Bioinformatics seminar series. Ottawa (Canada).


May 16, 2023.
“Leveling Up Citizen Science”.
Keynote at the 15th Great Lakes Bioinformatics (GLBIO) conference. Montréal (Canada).


May 25 2023.
“Leveling Up Citizen Science for AMR research”.
Invited talk at the 2023 McGill AMR Annual Symposium. Montréal (Canada).


April 25, 2023.
“Playing the System: Can Puzzle Players Teach us How to Solve Hard Problems? ”.
Invited talk at the CHI 2023 “ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems”.


May 5, 2022.

“L’IA permettra-t-elle de mobiliser l’intelligence collective des joueurs de jeux vidéo au service de la science et de la génomique?”.

Invited talk at the TimeWorld conference ( Montréal QC (Canada).
Recording at


May 26, 2022.

“Societal Video Games: A Trend for the Future”.

Invited talk at La Caravane – conference of the Quebec’s video game studios ( Shawinigan QC (Canada).
(with Attila Szantner)


June 25, 2022.

“Leveling Up Citizen Science”.

Keynote at the Games and Natural Language Processing Workshop at LREC 2022 ( Marseille (France).


Sep 14, 2022.

“Gamers for Science: Gamification in Citizen Science”.

Invited webinar for the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). Online.
(with Attila Szantner)
Recording at 


Oct 20, 2022.

“L’IA en science et en recherche”.

Panel member at the Annual meeting of the Association pour l’enseignement de la science et de la technologie au Québec ( Drummondville QC (Canada).
Coverage at


Oct 21, 2022.

“Leveling Up Citizen Science”.

Invited talk at the 50th Anniversary of the McGill, School of Computer Science. Montréal QC (Canada). 


Nov 18, 2022.

“Leveling Up Citizen Science”.

Invited talk at the colloquium of the school of computer science at the university of Windsor ( Windsor ON (Canada).


January 28, 2021.
“Borderlands Science”.
Talk at Amazon “Voice of the Customer” seminar series (with Attila Szantner and Jonathan Moreau-Genest).


February 5, 2021.

“Borderlands Science”.

Invited short talk at the 31st edition of Soup & Science.


May 3, 2021.

“Le potentiel des jeux en ligne pour les sciences participatives”.

Invited talk at the 88e congrès de l’ACFAS “Engagement des Québécois et des Québécoises en sciences : pratiques multiformes”.


May 13, 2021.

“On the Border: Where Science Meets Gaming”.

Invited online webinar organized by The Royal Canadian Institute for Science (with Gabriel Richard, Sarah Hays, and Nikki Stout).


July 13, 2021.
“One Billion Guns vs. One Billion Nucleotides”.
Invited panel member at the Games 4 Change Festival (with Rob Knight, Randy Pitchford, and Attila Szantner).


July 13, 2020.
“Bioinformatics outside the lab: How to mobilize online citizen scientists to accelerate research”.
Introduction talk for the special session on Citizen Science that I organized at the 28th annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2020).


October 7, 2020.
“How AI, Citizen Science, and Human Computation Are Facilitating the Next Leap Forward”.
Keynote presentation and panel discussion at Bio-IT World Conference & Expo.


May 15, 2019.
“Les approches coopératives de recherche en modélisation moléculaire”.
Invited panelist at the Civilization Museum of Québec.


March 20, 2019.

“Analysis and Synthesis of RNA Structures: Genesis of a computational platform to manipulate the RNA code”.

Invited speaker at the Montreal RNA Salon (


Feb 12, 2019.

“Les approches coopératives de recherche en modélisation moléculaire”.

Invited seminar presentation at the department of Computer Science of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).


November 29, 2018.

“Les approches coopératives de recherche en modélisation moléculaire”.

Invited presentation at the symposium “La science hors-murs au 21e siècle” organized by the French Academy of Science (i.e. the equivalent of the Royal Society). Streaming:


May 26, 2018.

“(Intelligence artificielle) artificielle pour la génomique”.

Invited talk and panelist at the annual conference of the Association des Communicateurs Scientifiques (


April 4, 2018.
“Engaging genomics research through online video games”.
Invited presentation at public conference Mat’Inno organized by the Junior Chamber of commerce of Montreal.


February 7, 2018.
“Human-centered systems in computational genomics”.
Invited presentation at the Genome Quebec Science Symposium for Science and Industry Advisory Committee, Genome Québec. (A private symposium organized by Genome Québec for its advisory board. The event features 5 invited speakers presenting cutting-edge researchin genomics conducted in Québec)


December 8, 2017.

“Le codage informatique à la rencontre du codage de l’ADN”.

PER en direct (Webinar for high-school students), Canada. (


November 17, 2017.
“Helping genetic research through guilt-free gaming”.
Guest lecture for BIOT 505, McGill University. (3-hours invited lecture on state-of-the-art biotechnology techniques)


February 26, 2016.
“Crowdsourcing genomics research”.
Invited seminar, Chemistry department, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France.


November 13, 2015.
“Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Guest lecture for BIOT505, McGill University.


April 15, 2015.
“Using games for research-based learning”.
Invited lecture at the CRI Workshop “Leadership program”, Paris, France.


March 4, 2015.
“Crowdsourcing Genomics Research”.
Invited seminar, Computer Science & Artifi- cial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.


November 19, 2014.
“Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Invited lecture at POP! (symposium organized by the association of students in bioinformatics at UdM), Université de Montréal University.


November 14, 2014.
“Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Guest lecture for BIOT505, McGill University.


November 6, 2014.
“Video game players advancing genetic research”.
Fourth Montreal Summit on Innovation, Montreal, Canada.


April 30, 2014.

“Phylo: A human-computing game for genomic research”.

Games & Crowds Workshop, Washington, DC, USA.


April 29, 2014
“Crowdsourcing Genomic Data Analysis with Human-Computing Video Games”.
Invited talk at the White House OSTP Crowdsource Games Workshop, Washington, DC, USA. ,


March 26, 2014.
“Crowdsourcing Genomic Data Analysis with Human-Computing Video Games”
Invited talk at the CRI Workshop “Leadership program”, Paris, France.


February 8th, 2013.
“Phylo: A Citizen Science Approach to Com- parative Genomics”.
Invited Departmental Seminar, Shriner’s Hospital, Montreal, Canada.


November 13, 2012.
“Bring Your Own Data follow-up session”.
Invited panelist at round table organized by the U.S. Department of Health and Emergencies, Washington D.C., USA.


July 14, 2012.
“Learning Through Research”, Paris, France. “Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Invited lecture, International Workshop


June 13, 2012.

“Phylo: Crowdsourcing Genetic Data Analysis”.

Invited lecture, Game for Health Conference 2012, Boston, USA.


May 22, 2012.
“Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Talk at the Fabelier seminar series, University Paris 5 Descartes, Paris, France.


March 5, 2012.
“PHYLO: help cure disease through guilt-free gaming”.
Invited lecture, Game Developer Conference, San Francisco, USA.


March 2, 2012.
“PHYLO: help cure disease through guilt-free gaming”.
Talk at the Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto, USA.


September 28-30, 2011.
“PHYLO: Play video games and help Science”.
Invited lecture, CUSP Conference, Museum of Modern Art, Chicago, USA.



November 8, 2023.
“Player-Guided AI outperforms standard AI in Sequence Alignment Puzzles”.
Contributed talk at the ACM Collective Intelligence conference, Delft (Netherlands), Renata Mutalova.


September 22, 2023.

“What has Project Discovery, Discovered?”.

Keynote talk at 2023 Eve Online Fanfest. Reykjavik “2023 Eve Online Fanfest”, Reykjavik (Iceland). Attila Szantner, Jérôme Waldispühl & Dr. Ryan Brinkman


September 25-27, 2023.

“Paradigm Shift in Citizen Science: Videogame Player Helping Researcher”.

Panel discussion at 2023 D.I.C.E. Reykjavik “2023 Speakers & Roundtable Leaders”, Reykjavik (Iceland).


June 29, 2023.

“Paradigm Shift in Citizen Science: Videogame Player Helping Researcher”.

Keynote talk at GSGS 2023 “8th International Conference on Gamification and Serious Games”, Neuchâtel (Switzerland).


April 25, 2023.
“Playing the System: Can Puzzle Players Teach us How to Solve Hard Problems?”.
Contributed talk at CHI 2023 “ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems”, Hamburg (Germany).


March 17, 2023.
“Leveling Up Citizen Science for Bioinformatics Data Analysis”.
Invited talk at the University of Ottawa Bioinformatics seminar series. Ottawa (Canada).


May 16, 2023.
“Leveling Up Citizen Science”.
Keynote at the 15th Great Lakes Bioinformatics (GLBIO) conference. Montréal (Canada).


May 25 2023.
“Leveling Up Citizen Science for AMR research”.
Invited talk at the 2023 McGill AMR Annual Symposium. Montréal (Canada).


April 25, 2023.
“Playing the System: Can Puzzle Players Teach us How to Solve Hard Problems? ”.
Invited talk at the CHI 2023 “ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems”.



May 5, 2022.

“L’IA permettra-t-elle de mobiliser l’intelligence collective des joueurs de jeux vidéo au service de la science et de la génomique?”.

Invited talk at the TimeWorld conference ( Montréal QC (Canada).
Recording at


May 26, 2022.

“Societal Video Games: A Trend for the Future”.

Invited talk at La Caravane – conference of the Quebec’s video game studios ( Shawinigan QC (Canada).
(with Attila Szantner)


June 25, 2022.

“Leveling Up Citizen Science”.

Keynote at the Games and Natural Language Processing Workshop at LREC 2022 ( Marseille (France).


Sep 14, 2022.

“Gamers for Science: Gamification in Citizen Science”.

Invited webinar for the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). Online.
(with Attila Szantner)
Recording at 


Oct 20, 2022.

“L’IA en science et en recherche”.

Panel member at the Annual meeting of the Association pour l’enseignement de la science et de la technologie au Québec ( Drummondville QC (Canada).
Coverage at


Oct 21, 2022.

“Leveling Up Citizen Science”.

Invited talk at the 50th Anniversary of the McGill, School of Computer Science. Montréal QC (Canada). 


Nov 18, 2022.

“Leveling Up Citizen Science”.

Invited talk at the colloquium of the school of computer science at the university of Windsor ( Windsor ON (Canada).



January 28, 2021.
“Borderlands Science”.
Talk at Amazon “Voice of the Customer” seminar series (with Attila Szantner and Jonathan Moreau-Genest).


February 5, 2021.

“Borderlands Science”.

Invited short talk at the 31st edition of Soup & Science.


May 3, 2021.

“Le potentiel des jeux en ligne pour les sciences participatives”.

Invited talk at the 88e congrès de l’ACFAS “Engagement des Québécois et des Québécoises en sciences : pratiques multiformes”.


May 13, 2021.

“On the Border: Where Science Meets Gaming”.

Invited online webinar organized by The Royal Canadian Institute for Science (with Gabriel Richard, Sarah Hays, and Nikki Stout).


July 13, 2021.
“One Billion Guns vs. One Billion Nucleotides”.
Invited panel member at the Games 4 Change Festival (with Rob Knight, Randy Pitchford, and Attila Szantner).



July 13, 2020.
“Bioinformatics outside the lab: How to mobilize online citizen scientists to accelerate research”.
Introduction talk for the special session on Citizen Science that I organized at the 28th annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2020).


October 7, 2020.
“How AI, Citizen Science, and Human Computation Are Facilitating the Next Leap Forward”.
Keynote presentation and panel discussion at Bio-IT World Conference & Expo.



May 15, 2019.
“Les approches coopératives de recherche en modélisation moléculaire”.
Invited panelist at the Civilization Museum of Québec.


March 20, 2019.

“Analysis and Synthesis of RNA Structures: Genesis of a computational platform to manipulate the RNA code”.

Invited speaker at the Montreal RNA Salon (


Feb 12, 2019.

“Les approches coopératives de recherche en modélisation moléculaire”.

Invited seminar presentation at the department of Computer Science of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).



November 29, 2018.

“Les approches coopératives de recherche en modélisation moléculaire”.

Invited presentation at the symposium “La science hors-murs au 21e siècle” organized by the French Academy of Science (i.e. the equivalent of the Royal Society). Streaming:


May 26, 2018.

“(Intelligence artificielle) artificielle pour la génomique”.

Invited talk and panelist at the annual conference of the Association des Communicateurs Scientifiques (


April 4, 2018.
“Engaging genomics research through online video games”.
Invited presentation at public conference Mat’Inno organized by the Junior Chamber of commerce of Montreal.


February 7, 2018.
“Human-centered systems in computational genomics”.
Invited presentation at the Genome Quebec Science Symposium for Science and Industry Advisory Committee, Genome Québec. (A private symposium organized by Genome Québec for its advisory board. The event features 5 invited speakers presenting cutting-edge researchin genomics conducted in Québec)



December 8, 2017.

“Le codage informatique à la rencontre du codage de l’ADN”.

PER en direct (Webinar for high-school students), Canada. (


November 17, 2017.
“Helping genetic research through guilt-free gaming”.
Guest lecture for BIOT 505, McGill University. (3-hours invited lecture on state-of-the-art biotechnology techniques)



February 26, 2016.
“Crowdsourcing genomics research”.
Invited seminar, Chemistry department, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France.



November 13, 2015.
“Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Guest lecture for BIOT505, McGill University.


April 15, 2015.
“Using games for research-based learning”.
Invited lecture at the CRI Workshop “Leadership program”, Paris, France.


March 4, 2015.
“Crowdsourcing Genomics Research”.
Invited seminar, Computer Science & Artifi- cial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.



November 19, 2014.
“Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Invited lecture at POP! (symposium organized by the association of students in bioinformatics at UdM), Université de Montréal University.


November 14, 2014.
“Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Guest lecture for BIOT505, McGill University.


November 6, 2014.
“Video game players advancing genetic research”.
Fourth Montreal Summit on Innovation, Montreal, Canada.


April 30, 2014.

“Phylo: A human-computing game for genomic research”.

Games & Crowds Workshop, Washington, DC, USA.


April 29, 2014
“Crowdsourcing Genomic Data Analysis with Human-Computing Video Games”.
Invited talk at the White House OSTP Crowdsource Games Workshop, Washington, DC, USA. ,


March 26, 2014.
“Crowdsourcing Genomic Data Analysis with Human-Computing Video Games”
Invited talk at the CRI Workshop “Leadership program”, Paris, France.



February 8th, 2013.
“Phylo: A Citizen Science Approach to Com- parative Genomics”.
Invited Departmental Seminar, Shriner’s Hospital, Montreal, Canada.



November 13, 2012.
“Bring Your Own Data follow-up session”.
Invited panelist at round table organized by the U.S. Department of Health and Emergencies, Washington D.C., USA.


July 14, 2012.
“Learning Through Research”, Paris, France. “Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Invited lecture, International Workshop


June 13, 2012.

“Phylo: Crowdsourcing Genetic Data Analysis”.

Invited lecture, Game for Health Conference 2012, Boston, USA.


May 22, 2012.
“Helping Genetic Research Through Guilt-free Gaming”.
Talk at the Fabelier seminar series, University Paris 5 Descartes, Paris, France.


March 5, 2012.
“PHYLO: help cure disease through guilt-free gaming”.
Invited lecture, Game Developer Conference, San Francisco, USA.


March 2, 2012.
“PHYLO: help cure disease through guilt-free gaming”.
Talk at the Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto, USA.



September 28-30, 2011.
“PHYLO: Play video games and help Science”.
Invited lecture, CUSP Conference, Museum of Modern Art, Chicago, USA.

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